Team Zambia Day 3
Two Kingdoms Evangelism
This morning our teams prayed together and started walking the dusty roads of Kanyama-Lions Compound ready to share with anyone they met. It was amazing to see people kneeling to draw the two kingdoms illustration in the dirt down every path. This method of sharing the gospel was developed by missionaries in Zambia because it speaks especially well in this cultural setting. You see, in Africa, everything is seen as having a spiritual cause or source. Every person has a tribe they proudly belong to and every tribe has a tribal religion filled with superstition, witch doctors and the belief that ancestors are either blessing or cursing you from another world. “Two Kingdoms” is the story of God’s kingdom of light and Satan’s kingdom of darkness and how a person can go from darkness to light through Christ’s death on the cross.
At the conclusion of each presentation we ask the person(s) what kingdom they are in. Many believe they are in the kingdom of light because of good deeds. One lady that Jessica W and Maria C talked with today stated that she was in both kingdoms. That was a new one. She elaborated on this by saying: “I do bad things sometimes but I also go to church!” As they shared that eternal life was not by works, they could see the confusion melt away. She gladly accepted the truth that she had to leave these works behind and embrace Christ. Jessica said: “You could literally see the burden lifted from her heart and mind and the peace of God fill her knowing that she was a new creation in Christ.”
Father and Son Evangelism-
Chad Wilson and his 15 year old son, Matthew, have the rare blessing of being on mission in Africa together. Today they were walking down the street and encountered two ladies they thought they would talk with. However, the ladies said they did not have time. Chad and Matthew continued to walk down the road to find two other ladies that did have time to talk. They began to talk with the elder of the two ladies through Shalom, their translator. Chad drew the Two Kingdoms illustration in the dirt and when asked which kingdom she was in, the lady said, “I want to be in the kingdom of light but I think I am in the kingdom of darkness.” Chad then turned to the other lady and asked the same question. She smiled then boldly stated that she was in the kingdom of light at which point she flashed a copy of the blue flyer we hand out. She had spoken with another team earlier in the day and trusted Jesus for eternal life! She was delighted that her friend was hearing the story and responding as well. The elder lady did pray to trust Jesus. What an amazing event.
News By The Number
The team was able to speak to 158 people today about Jesus. We saw 42 of them trust Jesus for eternal life! Glory to God!
Between the two schools, we had 185 children attend VBS.
Prayer Requests
Pray for health and stamina for the team as we are stretched between two schools at one time. This has pushed us beyond our comfort zone to a kind of holy exhaustion.
Pray for those that are telling the VBS Stories. Tomorrow’s story is a very difficult story to tell and it is the day where we get to the main message of the gospel.
Pray for the hearts that we continue to encounter are softened to the calling of the Holy Spirit. We are praying for the spiritual growth of the compound and we are praying that it is through the ministry of Lusaka Bible Church – Lions.
Continue to pray for the spiritual warfare we are experiencing daily. There are families who are members of cults and are not happy we are evangelizing in the compound.
Pray for those who are trusting in Christ this week that they will respond to the discipleship offered by Lusaka Bible Church members.
Pray for the birth of this new church Lusaka Bible Church – Lions. We are praying that the ones who have trusted Christ will attend the first service this coming Sunday.
They love watching the videos of their singing and game time
This is Brother Peter. The children sat at his feet as we shared the two kingdoms. He was so encouraged by our time with him and we made sure to let him know what a godly example he was to the children in the compound!
"We just want to sing!"
The children use whatever space they can find to color their picture
The children love being involved in the telling of the Bible Stories
Gene and Karen got to soak in some hugs from the children!
Praying for the team! So excited to join in viewing requests and love the photos!
ReplyDeleteWay to go mom! I know she loves telling stories!!!