Monday, June 17, 2019

Team Zambia 2019 - Day 2

Team Zambia 2019

Typical Day for Team Zambia

Just thought you would like to get a feel for the flow of our ministry to give you an idea of how exhausting the days can be.

6:00am Rise & Shine (except for Gene and Matt who got up at 5 to cook breakfast)
7:00am Breakfast and Making Sack Lunches for the Team and Interpreters (30 people)
7:30am Devotion with the International Mission Board Missionary (Randy Windham)
8:00am Load People and Supplies and head for the Compound
8:30am Pick Up Interpreters along the way
9:00am Arrive at the Compound and form Evangelism Teams
            Chad & Matthew Wilson
            Jessica Weinheimer & Maria Carvalho
            Gene Garza & Alina Lundblade
            Donnie Anthony & Matt Gibson
            Blanca Elizondo & Karen Petray
9:15am Share Jesus in the Compound
11:30am Lunch on the Bus (the crowded bus)
 1:00pm Mission VBS
 3:00pm Return to Baptist Guest House
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Debrief Days Activities and RePack for the Next Day

Africa Rule # 1- Remain Adaptable

From our very first training meeting we have stressed that in Africa very little will go as planned. So- remain flexible. That rule came in handy today. We arrived at the site of our Mission VBS and the plan was for two schools to come together for VBS. However, the headmaster decided that it was too far for her kids to walk so she requested that we do a separate VBS for her school. I was so proud of our team who took this change in stride and immediately split up the supplies and formed a separate team. Between the two schools we had a total of 162 children in attendance.

First Day of Sharing Jesus in the Compound-

Today we went to Kanyama-Lions Compound to begin our church planting ministry. Kanyama-Lions is an area on the very outskirts of Lusaka. In fact, the turn off for the compound has a sign that says “You Are Now Leaving Lusaka.” Our teams were eager to start evangelizing. It's amazing to think that for some of our team, the first time they shared the gospel, it was in a foreign country.  We were able to speak to over 80 people and saw more than 20 of those pray to trust Christ for eternal life. 

Quotes from the Team:

Maria: "It was so wonderful to see a person's reaction after praying to receive Christ.  We shared with each person that received Christ that we are now family.  The look on their face was amazing."  This statement is very powerful in light of the fact that Zambia has such a strong, family oriented culture. 

Karen: "What I was most impressed with is the spiritual attacks happening as I was trying to share the gospel. The Spirit of God was so powerful, none of us felt any kind of concern and continued to share.  In the end, the man causing most of the disturbance prayed to trust Christ for eternal life."

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