Thursday, June 20, 2019

Team Zambia 2019 - Day 5

The most amazing conversion story we have ever seen!

After 11 years in Africa, I thought I had seen it all. However, today’s experience was truly amazing when we shared Jesus with a 19 year old boy, Samuel. From the beginning, he was so expressive and so intent on hearing our story that he could hardly wait to receive Jesus! He said, “I am ready now to receive Christ!” While sharing the story, I drew the illustration on the back of a church flyer so he could have a copy to keep. I then asked him if he thought he could share this story with someone else. He said “yes.” He stated he wanted to share it with his brother, Christopher. Christopher then came walking out of the house, toward us, and he called him over. I stood with him as he explained almost perfectly the story that he had only seen once. He asked his brother what he thought he should do. The brother said: “I am ready to receive Christ.” I was shocked when He began to pray the same prayer with his brother that I had prayed with him just moments earlier. Think about that for a minute. He had only been saved 20 or so minutes when he led someone to faith in Christ.

Prayers answered!
Each year we ask our team members to reach out to their friends and family to support them through prayer and finances. As a result, we have had over 700 prayer warriors from around the world lifting us up daily and that is the key to such a move of God. We earnestly thank you for your faithfulness. Just yesterday we asked you to pray specifically for our team’s health. Here’s some results:
·     The muscle spasms that Donnie had been experiencing daily have disappeared completely.
·     Chad’s terrible sinus pain has been almost alleviated today
·     Jessica’s stomach problems have improved to the point that she performed at 100% today
·     The leg cramps that Matthew Wilson dealt with for several days are gone

No complaining allowed!
As the week progressed each of us would hit the wall of fatigue and were tempted to whine until we learned that Pastor Phiri, the pastor of the new church we are planting, has been working all night and coming directly to meet us for evangelism and VBS. I told him today that I was concerned about him and with a huge smile he said: “no worries, I will sleep on Saturday.”

Three grateful Pastors
Please pray for these three pastors! They are such amazing men of God that make huge sacrifices daily to see the kingdom of God increase through church planting. On the far left, is our beloved Pastor Joseph Tembo. He is the single most influential Zambian I have met in my 6 years of leading short-term trips here. He has a heart to see churches planted all over the Lusaka area and has many young pastors in training. Each time Mission City Church plants a new church in Zambia, it is pastored by a young man he has trained. Pictured in the center is Pastor Phiri who is a first-time pastor that has just completed Pastor Tembo’s basic training. On the right hand side of the photo is Pastor Luke who is Pastoring the church Mission City planted last year here in Lusaka. You will notice that each of the pastors is holding a baby's dress. Special recognition goes to the Mission City Sewing ladies who have worked for months to make 80 children's dresses that will be given to the babies at each of the three Lusaka Bible Church locations.

 Maria drawing the Two Kingdoms illustration 

Blanca and Karen are given the best seats in the house

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