Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Portugal Mission Extra Edition- Meet Mary- A Portuguese Teenager!

I thought I would tell you Mary's story (not her real name). I saw her during English camp several times and each time I noticed her she was sitting alone. People around her were playing yard games and soccer and frisbee golf and she was sitting with her journal.

I said hello and asked how she was doing. Her English was somewhat limited but spoken carefully and with careful thought for each word. I asked if she was reading and she said no but that she was drawing and that drawing was her passion.

I asked if I could see some of her drawing and she began to thumb through the pages of her book to find a drawing that she wanted me to see. She landed on the drawing below which was amazing.

She went on to explain that she had a series of drawings that all featured a world of people and angels. She explained that in the drawings the doors of the apartments that had crosses on them were the ones that served as portals for the angels to enter our world and interact with us.

I asked her if she believed angels were real and she shrugged her shoulders. I explained that according to the bible that angels were real and that they do indeed enter our world, sometimes as spirits to fight spiritual battles as directed by God and even at times appearing in human form as they did to Lot in the Old Testament. She seemed excited to learn that the word "angellos" from which we get the word "angel" means "one sent with a message." She loved the fact also that the bible says at times we "entertain angels unaware."  (Hebrews 13:2)

This just serves to remind us that even in a land and culture that is 90+% unchurched- there is spiritual thirst. The bible says that God has put eternity in the hearts of men (Eccl 3:11) and this means that as we ponder our existence, we all realize at some point that life must be bigger than me and my corner of this planet.

Pray for us as we find these opportunities to tell of the night and day difference Jesus has made in our lives. 

Here in Portugal we are careful to share the gospel in a way and measure that can be received. We are the light of the world but we don't want to shine the light in their eyes. We want to shine it on the path that leads to Jesus.

Thank you for your faithful prayers.


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