Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mission City Portugal Team- Days 2 and 3

Mission City Portugal Team- Day 2 & Day 3 Update

First Two Days of English Camp are in the Can!

For the past two days we have had the privilege of spending 9 hours a day with 42 kids ranging in age from 11 to 18. These kids are almost all from families who have no spiritual background but I was amazed at how much they seemed to respect us as leaders and how kind they were to each other.

Right now our main job is to build rapport so we will have an opportunity to tell them of the night-and-day difference Jesus has made in our lives. However, by only the second day we have been able to share Jesus with many of them through each team member telling their salvation story in bits and pieces as questions arise.

The parents of the kids have been so grateful when they have dropped them off and when they pick them up. Already this has given the Gerecke’s contact with over 20 new families they have had no contact with before.

We have 2 more full days of English Camp and a huge block party on Friday. Can’t wait to see what God does. Please join us in prayer.

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Prayer Requests- Pray that:

·     We will have openings in conversation to share the gospel
·     Pray that we will be able to connect with the kids that have been so shy
·     That we will take advantage of the opportunities we have to tell how much Jesus changed our lives
·     Our team and the kids will have continued health and safety
·     That the families of the English Camp kids will attend the block party on Friday with open hearts
·     The we walk in the Spirit and not the flesh

A group of people standing in front of a crowd

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A group of people standing in front of a crowd

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A group of people standing next to a person

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