Friday, July 18, 2014

Team Zambia 2014 Day Three

The Crippled Lady and the Crowd

Today one of our evangelism teams encountered a lady who was crippled. In talking with her it was apparent that she had a strong spiritual interest. One of the team members shared the story of the man carried by four friends in Mark 2. Instead of using this passage to promise her that she would walk again it became an opportunity to show her that Jesus did the most important thing first, he forgave the man and saved him.  One of our teenagers on the team shared that she wondered if this isn't exactly what it felt like to walk with Jesus especially later when a huge crowd of almost a hundred people began to follow them down the street listening to everything they shared. ( they may have never been more like Jesus than on this day, on this dusty street in Africa)

A Beautiful Orphan

Christine- Our Awesome Interrupter...I mean Interpreter. Almost everywhere we go in the world we have to depend on interpreters. They are our lifeline to teach, sing, give instructions and to share Jesus. God always graces us with wonderful people in this area and this trip is no exception. Christine is a beautiful African young lady who is 21 years old. Her vivacious personality and her amazing singing voice has made our music team's job much easier at times. She is just not finishing the 12 grade because she has had to drop out of school to help her family several times. The first time was two years ago when her mother became ill and died and again recently when her dad was hospitalized. We were astonished to find out that she buried her dad one week ago. You would never know it by her wonderful spirit and tremendous smile. Please lift up a prayer request she has entrusted to us, that she would be able to finish the 12th grade and attend college to become a teacher- it is her dream.

Help is on the Way

Micah, a high school student on our team, and Collis have been struggling to keep up with the demands of six sessions of Recreation every day with so many children. Then yesterday a young man named Ben showed up from the village. He too is a high school student and he brought a couple of friends along just to see what was going on at the local soccer field. Micah and he hit if off immediately and the boy and his friends jumped in and made a huge difference with the children and Micah has began to witness to him about Christ's love. Pray for his salvation and for the salvation of both friends.

Christmas in April?

Last night our team was resting and planning for the next day in the cafeteria of the Guest House when a lady and her teenage daughter walked in. It was Marci and Emily, two people I met last year when I came to Zambia with Nathan Lorick. They live with their family, in a very remote part of Africa and only come to town to shop for supplies every couple of months or so. They "just happened" to be here when we were in town and were staying at the guest house. We were amused to find out that the Christmas cards that our church sent to them finally arrived in April after first being misrouted to Sri Lanka. Our team gathered around them and encouraged them ending the night in a prayer for their ministry. This was no doubt divinely appointed.

Praises and Prayer Requests

Praise God that a young man one of our teams witnessed to made the decision to put aside his tribal beliefs and trust Christ. He said that this was very hard because he realized that if he accepted Jesus as his Savior and Lord that he could never visit the witch doctor. Pray for him that his commitment will be steadfast.

Pray for a harvest of souls at the Jesus Film which will be shown on the soccer field this Saturday. We are anticipating that hundreds will attend even though it means walking great distances for some.

Pray that our team will not become fatigued. We have five days of Vacation Bible School with a three hour session in the morning followed by lunch and a three hour session each afternoon. Also, our evangelism teams are walking and talking with people both morning and afternoon as well.


  1. These are God moments put in place before the beginning of the world. Thank God for your faithful service.

  2. Praying for means of established discipleship for new believers to be grounded in the Word from God and not tribal with doctors.

  3. I love these updates and I love Africa! Keep them coming!
