Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Team Zambia 2014 Day One

Our first day is over and it's great to walk through the International Mission Board Guest House and hear the conversations between our team members about who they shared Christ with and what children they already love and how amazing it is that so many of these children know nothing about God or heaven.

I heard Tabitha say: "The kids already know our songs, I heard them singing them all through the village as they left today." And I wondered if she ever dreamed a year ago (at the ripe old age of 12)  that she would be saying those words as she sits in Africa. I'm pretty sure that's a negative.

It was great to hear Sandra and Rachael and Anette talking about how they could overcome the difficulties of having 103 children show up for the first session of Vacation Bible School and what to do if it continues to grow!

I was so moved to sit in a room with our hut to hut evangelism team (comprised of Krista, Laura, Jacob, Wayne, Ashlyn and Lacey) praying and seeking God's direction on ways to retool our method of sharing Jesus to overcome some huge cultural barriers discovered today. God revealed a clear answer we believe will make the truth clearer to those who will hear the gospel tomorrow.

I was also thankful to see Collis (the eternal kid at heart) and Micah the High School guy that every African boy here wants to meet mixing it up at full speed on the Soccer field during Rec time. (Thank God for youth and stamina- this duty is not for the faint of heart).

Only God in His infinite wisdom could have fielded such a well rounded team. Kinda reminds me of the Spurs- (yes I am going to go there- we have not had nearly enough Spurs championship analogies yet) a dedicated group with a single passion, only difference is- this one is forever.

Already several have prayed to receive Jesus and been gloriously saved!

Praises & Prayer Requests

The Guest House is one of the nicest places we've ever stayed and we were shocked to find that we had hot water in the showers!

We have come at the perfect time to visit a country on this side of the night the temperatures are hovering in the 40's with the high today barely getting out of the 70's.

The traditional African meal tonight was fantastic with "amechi" (fried corn meal balls), green beens, boiled potatoes, rice, beef with onion and local spices, baked chicken and roasted beef.

Great reliable transport- we have a wonderful, experienced driver and what seems like a very good bus that is big enough for us to all travel in together.

Pray against fatigue- our trip here was a grueling one with one leg of the flight being 12 hours and 30 minutes nonstop. (everyone seems to be recovering well)

Pray for clear ways to communicate the gospel to kids and adults in a place that is so steeped in ancestor worship and tribal superstitions/rites administered at the hands of witch doctors.

Pray for the health of the team both in continued travel safety and God's protection against dehydration, disease or injuries.


  1. So glad for the update! Our family is lifting you all up in prayer!

  2. Praying for all of you! Love you, Donnie. Give Laura and Krista my love as well.
