Saturday, January 26, 2013

Undeniable Truth #5


Nobody bats a thousand.  I've heard that saying most of my life. It's was usually said when someone who cared about me was trying to make me feel better about blowing it. And, it worked. After all, when you think about it every player in baseball has struck out. Babe Ruth lead the league in strikeouts in 1927 with 89 in 540 at bats. But that was also the year the Babe hit 60 home runs.

While our lives cannot be reduced to a percentage of wins and losses and despite the fact that we can't make up for losses (sins) through wins (good deeds.) It is true that any man who pursues any purpose in life with great energy and passion- will miss the mark at times and those failures don't erase his accomplishments.

A great mentor put it to me this way- the only guy guaranteed not to make any  more mistakes is pushing up daisies.

This whole topic makes me think of the apostle Peter. He "struck out" regularly and did it in front of his life coach many of those times. But, what I admire about Peter is that whatever he did- he did it full bore, holding nothing back. And he never gave up.

Just in the last couple of weeks I have put together a pretty impressive string of losses in which I unintentionally said or did something that hurt my family and friends. It's been strange that they seem to come in groups. And as each of these people, whom I love dearly, have granted me amazing grace I realized that it was probably because of so many things we have walked through together. Maybe all those times I didn't strike out with them really did matter and really did put enough roots in our relationship to take us through stormy weather.

I like winning, I like hitting it out of the park. But, no one can do that every time at bat and like the Apostle Paul said: "those things I don't want to do...I do." Be sure you don't let one "at bat" cut you off from someone you love.

If God's grace is sufficient for us to be forgiven by our perfect Savior- it's sufficient for us to forgive one another.

Happy hitting.

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