Saturday, January 19, 2013

Undeniable Truth #3


You know, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed. And really, I am not depressed about it-not anymore. Now there was a time as a teenager that I believed a lie whispered into my heart by the father of lies.

It went like this- only the smartest, most talented people ever really make a difference with their lives.

Although it sounds so clearly unbiblical to me now, at the time it had a certain ring of truth to it. You know, how some things just seem to make sense when you roll them around in your head. I have found thats a dangerous place for me to keep things lately. (I keep losing my mental notes).  

The truth is, I have known some incredibly smart and talented people who have not influenced others for Christ because they have simply not shown up. And, at the same time, some of the people who have greatly influenced my life have been simple, ordinary and in some cases uneducated men but- they showed up in my life!

As my wife and I were talking about this subject, she reminded me of two sayings: Dont gripe if you didnt vote and You must be present to win.

Impacting the world is about lovingly, consistently, showing up.

In every arena of your life this is true:

In our work- there are people who we have watched leave at the first sign of trouble or pain. Now, we all know there is a time to leave but that timing is up to God. Even if your work becomes a place with no joy that sucks the very life out of you, show up until God says otherwise.

In our family life- there are times when that precious little bundle of joy that you brought home from the hospital and adored will look at you and hiss like a venomous snake (usually somewhere between the ages of 12 and 19). Guess what? They still need you in their lives. Tie a knot and show upthis too will pass. They are just checking to see if you will check out.

In our Christian life- there are people God has put in your path so that you will impact them for His glory. Sometimes this is easy because you are walking with them through victory. But sometimes we have to walk with them through their pain. The main thing they want at these times is not profound words- they just want us to be there- to show up and be the hands and feet of Jesus to them.

One of the most basic truths I have learned over the past four decades of knowing Jesus is this: the tortoise still beats the hare in most every case. Its not the flashy events I have orchestrated that show the greatest fruit for the kingdom (and boy have we done some dooseys, from Mud Mania to Bethlehem Nights). Its time spent loving people in late night discussions, in one on one counseling, and in years of small groups that translate into what Jesus calls in John 15 fruit that remains."
In the parable of the talents in Matthew 25 the one who received one talent lost it all. Why? Because he simply didn't show up. He became fearful and buried his talent and his life lost it's meaning.
Your life matters. Victory is around the corner. Remember, you must be present to win.

1 comment:

  1. Donnie, it is so true - "showing up" is an invaluable quality. There are very few specific lessons I remember from the many people who have invested in my life, but I do remember their faithfulness to pour in,
