This morning we shared Jesus in the village where we are planting a new church. Our group was divided into six teams of two or three and a translator. We were accompanied by the Lowes as well as another IMB missionary, Randy. Randy took one of our teams around and they encountered a Muslim man. After introductions they asked him “where do you pray?” (the African way of asking where you attend church) He stated that he was a Muslim and that he prayed at the mosque. Randy, who used to work extensively with Muslims had a copy of the Koran with him. After the group shared their story from John 3 of Nicodemus, Randy pulled out his Koran and showed the man a quote from Muhammad where he says: “I do not know where I am going or where you are going.” He then read from the bible in John 14 where Jesus says: “In my father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. And If I go to prepare a place for you I will come again for you that where I am there you may be.” In the end, the man stated that he became a Muslim because they were paying his children’s private school tuition. He prayed to trust Jesus as Savior stating that from this day forward he would be a follower of Jesus.
It has been amazing to find that several of our team members for the very first time, have prayed with someone to trust Jesus. No matter how long they live, they will remember that the first time they led someone to Christ was on the continent of Africa.
I have been so impressed with how open and welcoming and nice the people are. They truly love that fact that we came here. Even when we approached a Muslim man to talk about Jesus he was so kind. I got to draw the picture of the gospel as we shared Christ with him. Randy and Bob and I tag teamed and it felt great to have a part in this man receiving Jesus Christ as his Savior and leaving darkness of Islam.
Emily: “It’s so comforting to know that it’s not about how smooth our presentation of the gospel is.…it’s just that God’s power is in it. God has been showing me that we don’t always have to see the harvest, sometimes we are planting seeds and sometimes, that’s enough. This was confirmed when I got up this morning and started reading in John and saw John 4: 37 “One sows and another reaps, it is true I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor. I’m starting to get the hang of this. I can’t wait for tomorrow.
It is so encouraging to walk through the village now and see again and again, the remnants of our gospel drawings in the red dirt. Traces of the move of God in this place.
In past years we have been in a more urban environment in compounds with 70,000+ population which sometimes means having 400 children in a small, cramped area. It's been so nice to have only between 100 and 130 children in a school environment with use of all the classrooms and grounds. The atmosphere has been so much more relational and we are truly getting to know these kids.
I have to brag on our team: They have moved these children seamlessly through three rotations each day where they get a Bible Story, Crafts and Game Time that all are based on our children's missions curriculum that goes through the gospel using the colors; gold, black, red, white, and green.
They have created a neat memory device that uses words and motions to help the kids keep this message in their heads and hearts.
PLEASE PRAY for VBS Parent's Night on Friday evening. This will be an important opportunity for us to reach the parents of the children that we have grown to close to.
It is so amazing to read about the boldness of the team members and Muslims coming to Christ. Praying for you all.