Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Another Death in the Compound

It is quite amazing to me that the average life expectancy of a man in Zambia is 46. But, I was reminded of this harsh fact when our missionary made the statement in devotion time that we must give these people hope today because for most of them it is a daily occurrence to have someone they know well die in their village. One of our teams came to a home where there were 22 ladies at one location. In talking through the translator they learned that the lady and her friends had just returned from a loved ones funeral service and they were there to comfort her. The team was welcomed and they began to share the gospel. Several of the team shared about the love of God and his free gift of eternal life. A few of them ended up praying to receive Christ but because of the unusually large group the team decided to go back tomorrow and share more.  Pray for them as they go again and take bibles to these women who are hurting and are so spiritually thirsty.

From 12 to ???

It has really been a blessing to have a team with such a wide range of ages. We realized yesterday that in one room on the girls side we have three young ladies that are ages 12, 22 and 32. And then there are those of us who represent the more “mature” side of life. It was amazing to look up today at the bible story time and see Abigail, our 12 year old team member (who’s dad is also on this trip) actually teaching the bible story for the day to groups of 50 or more at a time. It’s great to know that our six weeks of training does pay off when we need it.

The wRECking Crew!

One team I am really proud of is our Rec Team. They spend all afternoon every day outside mostly in the direct sunlight and always in the blowing dust. They have worked so hard to see that every game they play has a spiritual lesson behind it. It’s great to see the kids sitting down listening so intently as Wayne and Helen bring these truths to life. Today it was so interesting that the kids had never seen a relay race. So, instead of one line trying to beat the other the children would grab the handkerchief and then wait on the other team to catch up before racing down their lane.

Introducing Your IMB Missionaries!

I want to take the time and space to introduce you to the amazing Lowe Family. You may or may not know that our church supports the International Mission Board which has over 5000 missionaries in nations around the world. And there is none more dedicated or that we love more than Jeff and Robyn Lowe and their amazing kids, Hadassah, (age 14), Zoe, (age 10) and Levi (age 8). Please take the time to pray for them. We would not be here if not for their invitation and we would not know where to begin to do ministry without their guidance.

Prayer Requests:

Team Health (some are experiencing nausea and stomach cramps)
Open hearts for Discipleship (as we make follow-up visits)
For Divine appointments
For God to continue to work on our hearts as He transforms lives here

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