Saturday, December 8, 2012

Welcome to My Adventure

Well after much prodding from my sweet wife Trinetta, I have decided to publish some of the stories of what God has done since I dedicated my life to telling others about Jesus. My hope is not only to give God the glory for the powerful moments He's taken me through, but to inspire others to experience the adventure for themselves.

How it all began.

The year was 1975 and the place was a church just outside of Paducah, Kentucky. I was traveling at that time with evangelist Lee Castro as his bass guitarist. I was sitting in a service after we had led worship and the preacher said something I will never forget. He made the simple statement that 95% of all Christians would live and die without ever leading anyone to Christ. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I suddenly had the vision of me standing before Jesus trying to explain why I had not passed on the amazing gift of eternal life. That night- that very night. I made a commitment to the Lord that I would not, by God's grace be a part of that silent majority.

In the weeks following that sermon, I was all heat and no light. I was fired up to witness to someone but not sure how to go about it. Then, as God would have it, I had a rare week off and went back to visit my home town of Corpus Christi. While there I went back to my High School to visit my tennis coach. On the way up the stairs, I met a guy coming down that I had known for a couple of years. As we met, I paused and asked how he was doing and to my surprise he answered honestly: "Actually, not good." I was caught off guard and finally thought to ask him to take a ride with me. It was during that short drive that I got to talk to Eddie Saenz about my relationship to Christ and when I asked if he wanted to receive Jesus as his Savior and Lord- to my shock- he said "YES."

I almost took out several mailboxes. I wasn't prepared for him to actually say yes. I'm sure I stumbled and stammered as I walked him through a prayer. But that day, God fulfilled the desire He had put in my that night in a country church 800 miles away. And, I have to say- I have never been the same.Telling people about Jesus...seeing the miracle of new birth...there's nothing like it on this planet. It's like a little bit of heaven leaks into our world. Thank you Jesus for choosing to use us.

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