Sunday, July 16, 2017

Birthday of a Church

A Great Day to Relax and Prepare-

I am so grateful to our Team for their tireless efforts in ministry this week. After working long days in a row it was good to have a day to relax and refocus for Sunday’s important activities. Saturday we were able to sleep a little later than normal and travel to the Lilayi Baby Elephant Orphanage run by Game Ranger’s International. These beautiful animals were rescued from the bush when their parents were killed by poachers.


Sunday we saw the culmination of months of planning and days of witnessing in the compound. We got up early and headed to the site of the new church not knowing what to expect. It was so rewarding to see the people we led to Christ this week arriving at the first service of Faith Baptist Church. We had 40 adults and close to 100 children at the service today. Choirs from several neighboring churches came for the grand opening and I was honored to preach the first sermon. I have dreamed for many years about being part of a church planting movement and it is so gratifying to see what God has accomplished through a church with a vision for sharing the gospel to the ends of the earth. Faith Baptist of Lusaka is the fourth church that Castle Hills Church has planted through our alliance with the International Mission Board and Joyful Baptist Church.

Although you were not present, so many of you were an integral part of this mission through your faithful financial and prayer support. It has been said that for every missionary that goes over the edge, there must be 100 faithful to hold the ropes. We appreciate your willingness to send us and although we come home tired in body we are renewed in Spirit.

Faith Baptist Church at Green Villa School

Cute Babies!
Team Zambia @ IMB Guest House 

Friday, July 14, 2017

Zambia - Day Five

Last Full Day of Ministry is Complete

Although as a team we are exhausted, it is hard to believe our journey is coming to an end. Today we hit the dusty roads of Chazanga Compound to once again share Jesus with anyone and everyone who would listen.

When you hear the number of people who prayed to trust Jesus as Savior this week, it’s hard to fathom. The people of Zambia are so open to the gospel because they are keenly aware of their need. They live in a survival culture that is not concerned with purchasing the latest gadget from Amazon, but are working daily to be sure their family has food and shelter. Because of this, they readily receive the message that God loves them and wants to be with them now and forever.

This week, we were blessed to share the gospel with 274 people and saw 128 trust Jesus as Savior.

DEMONIC ACTIVITY IN ZAMBIA…( a word from Donnie)

Because of the risk of sensationalism, I have sometimes hesitated to share the darker side of missions knowing it could be misunderstood. However, I think this story bears repeating for the glory of God. We shared the gospel, at one point, with two young men who were eager to hear the truth. Both young men expressed they wanted to pray to trust Jesus with their lives when suddenly, a man who was obviously disturbed came running up and started saying that we were the enemy. He went on to say that because we were from America we were responsible for the disappearance of his family. He rambled on about this repeating himself and was getting louder and closer each time.  I was with Pastor Banda from Joyful Baptist Church at the time and each of us reached out and put a hand on each shoulder and began to pray. We prayed that this man would be delivered from the power of Satan through the blood of Jesus Christ. Immediately, this man who had been waving his hands around wildly, went silent and limp closing his eyes and dropping his arms to his side. From there, pastor Banda was able to lead him up the road so that I could lead these two young men in a prayer of saving faith. One interesting footnote to this story is that while in Africa, I have been going through the book of Matthew. This morning I got to chapter 8 and the story of Jesus casting demons out of the two possessed men. I am sure God used this to prepare my heart for the spiritual battle I would encounter.

Parent Day at VBS

Today was the final day of VBS at Green Villa School. We asked the children to invite their parents to attend with them today but had no idea how many might come since it meant leaving their chores and walking quite a distance. As it turned out, we had a great number of parents attend and they got to see their children joyfully singing the songs we taught them this week. At the conclusion, we did a one act play called The Two Kingdoms that depicted the very story we have been sharing this week. Afterward, ten young girls approached Jessica. She assumed they wanted a “snap” (photo) with her like many others had done.  She was shocked at their question when they asked: “can you tell us more about Jesus.” Later, we talked about what a rare occurrence this was and how much we wished people asked that daily.

 Zambians rarely see silver hair.
Grandpa Bill 

Bill Andrews, Greg Davis, Forrest Faircloth, Donnie Anthony, and our interpreter, Newton, doing the Two Kingdoms demonstration.

 Parents loved taking pictures with the "mzungu" (white people)

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Day Four in Zambia

Today is the Day of Salvation 2 Corinthians 6:2

Today is a bittersweet day in Lusaka, Zambia. Our hearts are joyous because 51 people accepted Jesus in their hearts today. Our hearts are saddened at the thought that we only have one more day to minister to the hearts of the people in Chazanga Compound. 

I know that when you hear that so many were saved in one day, it may seem incredible. And it is amazing how open people are here to the gospel. Some even say that this is impossible and immediately think that most of these are false professions. However, seeing the people we led to Christ in previous years now baptized and growing as a part of the church have assured us that we are answering God’s call, presenting the gospel, and leaving the results to Christ.  The fields are really that ripe for the harvest.

Prayers Requested for Margaret- A Special Needs Child

In Zambia, there is little hope for special needs children as most of them will never receive needed care from the government. In fact, mostly they are hidden from view. One of our teams came in contact with a family in the compound today and observed a five year old girl who could not walk or talk. It was heartbreaking to see her dragging herself around in the dirt. Our team shared the gospel only to find that the family were already followers of Jesus. They then asked if we would pray for this little girl Margaret. Bill Andrews picked her up in his arms and they prayed over her. Our team prayed for her tonight. Please pray with us for God’s mercy over this family.

Contextualizing the Gospel.

Shortly before our trip, Pastor Matt preached a sermon on contextualizing the gospel. He urged us to be certain that when we share the gospel that we are using words that communicate clearly in the context of the person with whom we are sharing.  Gene Krenzer put this to use when teaching Psalm 51:7 which states that our sins will be as white as snow. Since these children have no idea what snow is he needed to find a way to communicate this truth. In talking with Greg Davis they came up with the perfect thing. Here in Zambia, most locals do not eat with utensils.  Instead, they use a staple food called nshima to scoop up the different soups and stews they love.   Nshima is a white colored corn meal food that is basically grits with all the water cooked out.  Gene asked the children what they thought of when they think of the color white one of the children said “nshima”. And there you have it!

 The children love acting out the stories as we tell them.

Gene Krenzer explaining how Jesus healed the sick.
VBS today along with teachers and administrators

 Many of the smallest children at VBS have never encountered a white person.  They are enamored with the texture of Ashton's hair.
Bill Andrews had the joy of leading Bernard to Jesus.

Cynthia is loving coloring with the sweet children of Chazanga compound 
African Selfie!